

What Farmers Are Missing Without Digitalization

‘The people who provide food for us are the ones who are often found starving’. It is rather unfortunate that while we enjoy delicious meals in the comfort of our houses, those that made that meal possible, in the first place, may not be able to eat one square meal a day. I would hence, like to draw your attention to a very pressing issue of our country.

You see, in the traditional supply chain, farmers have always been faced with numerous challenges. The most common among them is the fact that they typically sell their produce to distributors, who then pass it on to wholesalers, and finally to retailers before it reaches the end consumer. This multi-tiered process often results in a significant markup at each stage, reducing the profit margins for farmers and inflating prices for consumers. Let us take a little in-depth look at the other problematic areas faced by our farmer friends.

Pain Points for Farmers:

  • Low Profit Margins: As produce changes hands from farmers to distributors, wholesalers, and retailers, each layer adds to the cost. Sadly however, the farmers’ earnings remain minimal.
  • High Waste: Often for the lack of proper buyers, the produce may have to wait to be sold; that is when the damage occurs. The perishable produces cannot stand the test of time and often decompose. This is what leads to the high wastage and financial loss.
  • Market Access: Farmers and mothers can somewhere be considered similar as the ones who provide us our food. But one major point of difference is that unlike our mothers they do not have direct access to us. This brings us to the glaring truth that our farmers do not have direct contact with their consumers. The middlemen who make the deal for them are the ones who take away a lot of their profit margins. They are left with the bare minimum both in terms of profits as well as the access to a broader market.
  • Logistical Challenges: The traditional supply chain involves complex logistics that can lead to delays and increased costs. The intermediaries or the middlemen as discussed above, create massive hurdles for these less articulate humble farmers. The logistics include extra costs of transportation, handling and storage.

The Solution: Digitalization and E-commerce

Making Farmers the Masters of their Produce

Knowing about a problem and crying about it is never a solution. So, come let us a take a look at how we can help take make life easier for the farmers which invariably affects us as consumers as well. Now, since the world has moved on to a digiverse; our solution should not be anything away from it.

Thus, creating an e-commerce platform can revolutionize the way farmers sell their goods. This way not just the farmers but the end users as well will be able to connect directly, thereby, doing away with the extra costs attached to them. By connecting directly with consumers, farmers can bypass intermediaries, reducing costs and increasing their profit margins. We could say, with the help of this our farmer friends could become the master of their own produce!

Moving forward, this platform can also introduce a subscription model, allowing consumers to set up automatic recurring purchases of fresh produce. This model renders several advantages that can be summed up in the following:

Benefits of a Subscription Model:

  • Steady Income: Farmers benefit from predictable, recurring revenue streams.
  • Reduced Waste: Regular orders mean that produce is sold quickly and efficiently, minimizing spoilage.
  • Direct Consumer Relationship: Farmers can engage directly with their customers, understanding their needs and preferences better.
  • Cost Efficiency: Eliminating intermediaries reduces costs, benefiting both farmers and consumers.

What is our role here?

Still flooded with questions? Well, I know you are thinking that a farmer has little to no knowledge of the existence of such things; how then will they operate on this platform? Well, that is where we come in doing our bit to help the less literate section of our society.

Our first action towards this noble cause should thus be to create this game-changing platform. And because this is going to be a large-scale project, we, Hyrrokkin, the initiators of the idea, propose to you to join hands with us in making this dream a reality.  We are certain that providing them with a platform that generates reliable income and reducing wastage will do nothing less than empower them financially. Another good thing about this that we too get to benefit from this. When the farmers can interact directly with their consumers, they can always sell their produce for reduced rates but still have big profit margins. And this is where we get our share of benefit.

Our next step would be to educate these meal-providers about this possibility and give them a new lease of hope. Though the farmers may be away from the advanced life od the cities, yet they are very smart and open to learning any new technique that can help build their business and bring them more profits. Using the media and the marketing strategies, it would not be a mammoth task to take the product to our farmer friends.

So, if you’re interested in supporting farmers and building a sustainable future, join us in creating this innovative platform. Together, we can empower farmers, enhance market efficiency, and ensure fresh produce reaches consumers more effectively.

Come, let’s build a brighter future for farmers with digitalization!